Dildo Shirt

Jax wanted an outfit for Disabled and Sexy, the closing party for the incredible Alter State Festival in 2024. Disabled and Sexy had costume categories:

  • Best textured you’re the most tactile person in the room, you’re irresistible to touch
  • Armour against ableism – you’re a hero of community, nothing’s going to get you down
  • Sexy Disabled Pride you’re the epitome of sass and so hot you’ve got your own #hashtag

After discussing some of Jax’s interests and past projects, and the desire to affirm their transness, Chris was able to float an idea to them of a highly textured shirt, with shoulder spikes, that was also hot. Jax’s dildo shirt was born. Onto an existing shirt of Jax’s, Chris hand-sewed structured, bendable, 3D fabric dildos in a range of fabrics from discarded fabric, and one vibrator complete with smiley bead buttons and a charging port. The shirt is reinforced with a foam layer so that the dildos are supported to stick out, but also so that it acts as a bit of extra chest armour.

(Photo by Georgia Wiggs, with thanks to Transgender Victoria).

After debating which category it should win, the judges awarded “Best Textured” to this couture – for the amount of times throughout the night that people requested consent to honk it.